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Labor Laws in Iceland

  • Annual Leave: 24 days
  • Maternity Leave: 6 months
  • Public Holidays: 16
  • Workweek: 8 hours per day.

Income Tax in Iceland

Income Tax in Iceland is progressive ranging from 31.48% to 46.28%

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Iceland

Iceland has a standard VAT rate of 15%.

Social Security in Iceland

The social security contributions for employers and employees are as follows:

Employer Contributions

  • Employers pay a general social security contribution (national insurance) of 6.35% on employee earnings.
  • An additional 0.65% is payable for sailors.
  • If an employee has a foreign A1 certificate, the social security contribution is 0.425%.
  • Employers must contribute a minimum of 11.5% to mandatory pension funds.
  • Employers are also obligated to make a 0.1% contribution to the Icelandic Rehabilitation Fund (VIRK).

Employee Contributions

  • Employees must contribute a minimum of 4% of their monthly earnings to mandatory pension funds.
  • Employees can choose to make additional voluntary pension contributions of up to 4%, in which case the employer is obligated to contribute an additional 2%.

Work Visas Iceland

The work visas available to legally work in Iceland include:

Temporary Work Permit for Experts

To work in Iceland as a foreign expert from outside the EEA, EFTA, or Faroe Islands, you must apply for a temporary work permit under these conditions:

  • Expert Knowledge: You possess specialized skills and knowledge.
  • Local Unavailability: The employer couldn't find a suitable candidate locally or within the EEA, EFTA, or Faroe Islands with equivalent qualifications.
  • Critical Role: Your expertise is crucial for the employer's operations.
  • Employment Contract: You have a signed contract with your prospective employer.

Long-term Remote Work Visa

  • This visa allows individuals who work for foreign companies to live and work in Iceland for up to six months.
  • This is aimed at digital nomads and requires proof of remote work and a minimum monthly income of ISK 1,000,000.

Residence Permit for Work

  • This permit applies to employees who have a job offer in Iceland and fulfill specific conditions such as work requiring expert knowledge, labor shortages, or work based on service contracts or collaborations.

General Work Permits

  • These are necessary for non-EEA/EFTA nationals who intend to work in Iceland. Employers must apply for these permits on behalf of the employees, and they need to be compliant with Icelandic labor laws.

Hire Icelandic Talent with Global Expansion

Setting up a company in Iceland can be expensive and complex. Global Expansion simplifies your entry into this market.

We handle hiring, HR, and payroll while ensuring compliance with local regulations, all without establishing a local entity.

Our Iceland Employer of Record (EOR) solution lets you focus on your business growth.

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Global Expansion.

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