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Labor Laws in Belarus

  • Annual Leave: 24 days
  • Maternity Leave: 126 days
  • Public Holidays: 9
  • Workweek: 40 hours per week.

Income Tax in Belarus

Generally, any individual income derived from Belarus and foreign sources is taxed at a flat rate of 13%.

A personal income tax rate of 25% is applied to the totality of income for an amount exceeding BYN 200,000.

The income tax rate is set at 20% for the income received by Belarusian individual entrepreneurs (private notaries, solicitors) from business (private notary, sole advocacy) activities.

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Belarus

The standard VAT rate is 20%, whereas the preferential rate is 10%.

Social Security in Belarus

Generally, all payments to employees are subject to SICs at a total rate of 35%. These contributions include payments to social security and pension security.

The employers’ contribution rates are 28% for pension insurance and 6% for social insurance. Employees also pay pension insurance contributions at a rate of 1% of their gross compensation.

Work Visas Belarus

Here is work visa information for Belarus, download our guide for an extensive breakdown.

Foreign citizens who intend to work in Belarus should obtain a special work permit issued by the regional Citizenship and Migration Departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The validity period of a special work permit is one year, except for highly skilled professionals for whom a special work permit is issued for two years.

Hire Belarussian Talent with Global Expansion

Setting up a company in Belarus can be expensive and complex. Global Expansion simplifies your entry into this market.

We handle hiring, HR, and payroll while ensuring compliance with local regulations, all without establishing a local entity.

Our Belarus Employer of Record (EOR) solution gives you the freedom to focus on your business growth.

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Global Expansion.

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