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Labor Laws in Bonaire

  • Annual Leave: 15 days
  • Maternity Leave: 16 weeks
  • Public Holidays: 10
  • Workweek:40 hours per week.
  • Overtime: Maximum 50 hours per week.

Income Tax in Bonaire 

Residents of the BES-Islands are taxable on their worldwide income.

Residents and non-residents are taxed at progressive income tax rates ranging from 0% to 35.4%

The following sources of income are subject to tax in the BES-Islands:

  • Income from movable property (dividend and interest income)
  • Employment income
  • Self-employment and business income
  • Income from periodic allowance

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Bonaire 

The Caribbean Netherlands General expenditure tax (Algemene bestedingsbelasting or ABB) is comparable with a sales tax.

The sales tax is 8% for the supply of produced goods by manufacturers in Bonaire or 6 percent in Saba and Sint Eustatius.

Social Security in Bonaire 

All resident individuals must pay social security contributions.

The contributions result in benefits under the following:

  • General Old Age Pension Act (AOV)
  • General Widows, Orphans Act (AWW)
  • Decree for Health Insurance
  • Accident Insurance Act (OV)
  • Cessantia (severance contribution)
  • Health Insurance Act (ZV)

Employees pay 26.8% and Employers pay 13.4%.

Work Visas Bonaire

Here is work visa information for Bonaire, download our guide for an extensive breakdown.

Admission to the BES islands may be based on:

  • admission by right (toelating van rechtswege),
  • a (temporary) residence permit, or
  • stay as a tourist (‘short stay’). It should be noted that for certain nationalities a visa is required to be admitted to the BES islands for a short stay as a tourist.

Hire Bonaire Talent with Global Expansion

Setting up a company in Bonaire can be expensive and complex. Global Expansion simplifies your entry into this market.

We handle hiring, HR, and payroll while ensuring compliance with local regulations, all without establishing a local entity.

Our Bonaire Employer of Record (EOR) solution allows you to focus on your business growth.

Ready to hire anywhere in the world?

Grow your team the right way with
Global Expansion.

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