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Labor Laws in Chad

  • Annual Leave: 24 days
  • Maternity Leave: 14 weeks
  • Public Holidays: 12
  • Workweek: 39 hours per week.

Income Tax in Chad

The income tax rates are progressive from 0% to 30%.

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Chad

  • The standard value-added tax (VAT) rate in Chad is 18% applicable on all taxable operations and 0% applicable on exports and their related international transportation.

Social Security in Chad

Social security contributions in Chad are due both by the employer and the employee.

  • Employer contributions are 16.5% of the gross salary limited to XAF 500,000 per month (XAF 82,500 upper limit).
  • Employee contributions are 3.5% of the gross salary limited to XAF 500,000 per month (XAF 17,500 upper limit).

Work Visas Chad

Work permits must be obtained before beginning work in Chad. Employers obtain the permits on behalf of foreign workers.

Only one type of work permit is available in Chad. Employers are required to justify employing a foreign national instead of a Chadian.

If the foreign national changes employment, his or her new employer is responsible for obtaining a new work permit.

Hire Talent from Chad with Global Expansion

Setting up a company in Chad can be expensive and complex. Global Expansion simplifies your entry into this market.

We handle hiring, HR, and payroll while ensuring compliance with local regulations, all without establishing a local entity.

Our Chad Employer of Record (EOR) solution gives you the freedom to focus on your business growth.

Ready to hire anywhere in the world?

Grow your team the right way with
Global Expansion.

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