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Labor Laws in Croatia

  • Annual Leave: 20 days
  • Maternity Leave: 3 months
  • Public Holidays: 14
  • Workweek: 40 hours per week.

Income Tax in Croatia

Individual income taxes are progressive, ranging from 15% to 35% based on the worker’s earnings and location.

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Croatia

The standard VAT is 25%.

Social Security in Croatia

  • The Croatian social security system covers pension and health insurance.
  • Employees' social security contributions are pension contributions at a 20% rate, split into 15% for the first pillar and 5% for the second pillar. The payment base is calculated as follows:
    • For a monthly gross salary up to EUR 700.00: The base is the gross salary minus EUR 300.00.
    • For a monthly gross salary between EUR 700.01 and EUR 1,300.00: The base is the gross salary minus 0.5 x (EUR 1,300.00 - gross salary).
    • For a monthly gross salary over EUR 1,300.00: The base is the gross salary, capped at EUR 9,360.00 per month or EUR 112,320.00 per year for 2024.
  • Employers also contribute to social security benefits.
  • Health insurance: 16.5% of the gross salary, with no cap.
  • Employers have additional obligations regarding disabled individuals.

Work Visas Croatia

Here is a summary of the main work visa types available for foreigners in Croatia:

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is a work permit that allows highly skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in Croatia. To qualify, you must have:

  • A valid job offer or work contract in Croatia
  • Qualifications requiring 3-5 years of higher education or equivalent professional experience
  • A minimum salary of at least 1.5 times the average gross annual salary in Croatia.

Temporary Stay for Employment Purposes

This visa allows foreigners to work in Croatia for a limited period, up to one year. It requires:

  • A valid job offer or work contract in Croatia
  • Proof of qualifications for the position
  • Approval from the Croatian Employment Service

Intra-Corporate Transfer

Foreigners can transfer to work at a branch or subsidiary of their company in Croatia under this visa. Requirements include:

  • Employment with the company for at least 6 months before the transfer
  • A management, specialist, or trainee position
  • A valid job offer from the Croatian branch

Seasonal Worker

  • Seasonal worker visas are for foreigners employed in seasonal jobs in Croatia, such as tourism. The visa is valid for up to 90 days within 180 days. Employers must obtain approval from the Croatian Employment Service.

Independent Professionals

  • This visa is for self-employed foreigners providing professional services in Croatia. Applicants must prove they have the required qualifications and means to establish themselves as an independent professional.

Hire Croatian Talent with Global Expansion

Setting up a company in Croatia can be expensive and complex. Global Expansion simplifies your entry into this market.

We handle hiring, HR, and payroll while ensuring compliance with local regulations, all without establishing a local entity.

Our Croatia Employer of Record (EOR) solution gives you the freedom to focus on your business growth.

Ready to hire anywhere in the world?

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Global Expansion.

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