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Labor Laws in Laos

  • Annual Leave: 15 days
  • Maternity Leave: 105 days
  • Public Holidays: 6
  • Workweek: 48 hours per week.

Income Tax in Laos

Income Tax in Laos is progressive and ranges from 0% to 25%.

Value Added Tax (VAT) in Laos

The Value-Added Tax (VAT) in Laos is set at 10%.

Social Security in Laos

Both the employer and employee must contribute to the social security fund. The social security contributions are as follows:

  • 6% of the gross remuneration must be contributed by the employer.
  • 5.5% of the gross remuneration must be contributed by the employee.

Work Visas Laos

The visas available to legally work in Laos include:

Labor Visa (LA-B2)

  • This is the most frequently issued visa for foreigners working in Laos. It is suitable for individuals on fixed-term employment contracts.
  • The LA-B2 visa can be issued for periods of three months, six months, or one year and is a multiple-entry visa.
  • Applicants must secure employment and obtain a sponsorship letter from a locally licensed entity in Laos. The employer must also seek approval from the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Expert Visa (E-B2)

  • This visa is designated for foreign professionals working in international organizations or non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • Typically required for individuals with specialized skills or expertise in high-level positions.

Investor Visa (NI-B2)

  • Issued to foreign nationals who invest in enterprises registered in Laos. This visa is essential for stockholders, directors, and technical officers involved in the investment.
  • It can be obtained as a multiple-entry visa for three months to one year, depending on the investment requirements.
  • Applicants must provide documentation such as an investment license and proof of enterprise registration.

Hire Talent From Laos with Global Expansion

Setting up a company in Laos can be expensive and complex. Global Expansion simplifies your entry into this market.

We handle hiring, HR, and payroll while ensuring compliance with local regulations, all without establishing a local entity.

Our Laos Employer of Record (EOR) solution lets you focus on your business growth.

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