The employee's share of taxes for old age insurance (AOV) and widows and orphans insurance (AWW) is 6.5% of a maximum of ANG 100,000 gross wages. The employer contributes 7.5%. Income in excess of this amount is not subject to this tax. Expatriates may be exempt from this tax.Coverage for health insurance for workers earning up to ANG 67,816.32 is compulsory. Contributions are 4.2% for the employee, 8.3% for the employer.Employees are also insured against loss of income as a result of an accident that occurs at work. The premium varies from 0.5% to 5%, depending on the class of risk, to be paid fully by the employer. Maximum premium income is ANG 67,816.32.The Algemene Verzekering Bijzondere Ziektekosten (AVBZ), or general insurance exceptional medical expenses, is a national social insurance from which the entire population of St. Maarten can derive rights. The AVBZ guarantees, among other benefits, medical care to persons suffering from a chronic disease or a mental or physical disorder. The premium charged to create the necessary funds amounts to, in general, 2% of taxable income, with a maximum charge of ANG 8,572 per year (2012). The employer's share amounts to 0.5% of the employee's income, with a maximum of ANG 2,143 per year (2012). A more recent premium cap has not been published yet. Old-age pensioners are taxed at a rate of 1.5%.