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The value of diversity in today’s workplace cannot be overstated. Embracing diversity goes beyond meeting quotas; it fuels innovation, problem-solving, and ultimately drives business success.

One powerful way to cultivate diversity is through the formation of global teams. These teams bring together individuals from different backgrounds and cultures, tapping into various perspectives, experiences, and skills. A recent McKinsey Report shows that diverse companies outperform less varied organizations.

Discover how building diverse and inclusive teams can give your business the global advantage it needs in the ultra-competitive marketplace.


Diversity in the workforce encompasses various aspects, such as:

  • Gender Mix:The representation of men, women, and nonbinary individuals in a particular workforce.
  • Age Variety:The presence of multiple generations or a diverse range of ages within a group
  • Cultural and Ethnic Representation: Whether individuals in a group share common national or cultural traditions or come from diverse backgrounds.
  • Inclusion of Diverse Abilities:Taking into account the viewpoints of individuals with diverse physical abilities and neurodiversity, encompassing both apparent and hidden disabilities.

It is crucial to recognize that diversity extends beyond gender or ethnicity. One of the most impactful contributions it can bring to a company is the diversity of thoughts and ideas.


Embracing diversity within a company offers numerous benefits to boost an organization’s success. According to a LinkedIn study, an overwhelming 60% of respondents attributed the success of their sales teams to the presence of diversity within them.

A diverse team of employees brings unique talents, experiences, and skill sets. They can contribute different questions, thoughts, and recommendations to get the best result to increase productivity.

Harvard Business Review published a study that showed that teams solve problems faster when it is more cognitively diverse. In a diverse workplace, when different perspectives come together, they combine in extraordinary ways, leading to innovative ideas and exciting breakthroughs.


Diverse teams can boost an organization’s productivity and creativity, but how does a company grow its diversity?

To expand the company’s workforce and embrace diversity, a successful strategy is to recruit talent on a global scale. By hiring individuals from different parts of the world, the company can benefit from diverse backgrounds and cultures among its employees.

According to a Glassdoor survey, 76% of job seekers and employees surveyed expressed that a diverse workforce was a crucial aspect they considered when assessing job opportunities and companies.

To attract the best talent from around the world, you need a solid global recruitment strategy. This strategy should include following international regulations, researching markets, handling payroll, and onboarding employees worldwide.

A well-planned recruitment strategy gives a company a competitive advantage and access to a larger talent pool.


A diverse global team brings greater adaptability and agility to a company and boosts productivity.

One practical way they achieve this is by leveraging different time zones, allowing for 24/7 productivity. For instance, while your local staff in the United States are asleep, a team in New Zealand can be working efficiently and vice versa.

In today’s global economy, businesses operate in diverse markets with customers from various backgrounds. A diverse workforce enables companies to understand and establish meaningful connections with these markets. It enables the development of culturally sensitive marketing strategies and products that resonate with different customer segments, leading to increased market share and business growth.


Embracing diversity in the workplace and building global teams can be a game-changer for businesses. By harnessing the power of diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills, companies can enhance problem-solving, drive innovation, and foster a culture of creativity.

Global remote teams offer increased productivity, adaptability, and engagement, along with the ability to leverage different time zones for round-the-clock operations. It is time to take action and build diverse, inclusive, and globally connected teams that will shape the future of business success.

Reference - The global advantage: How diverse teams drive business success